Providing Halal Restaurant and Travel Information
Muslim travelers can obtain information easily about popular travel destinations near Halal restaurants.
Halal Food Options at CVS(GS25, CU)
you can check information on available Halal food products at convenience stores, making it easy to manage your meals even while traveling.
Community and Q&A Functionality
you can communicate with other travelers through Matboleh community and get answers to your questions, enriching your travel experiences even more.
Food Sharing and Recommendations
Share experiences at Halal restaurants and find out recommended dining spots from ther users
Local Events and Discount Information
Share information about local events, discounts, and special activities at tourist attractions
Travel Tips and Advice
Share useful advice and tips for traveling in Korea, to ensure everyone's experience fun and safe
Meeting Muslim Friends
Offer opportunities to meet Muslim friends during your trip to Korea, whether for traveling together or exchanging travel-r